OpenAir offers you visibility and control for project-based businesses
OneSolutions, votre Solution Provider Oracle NetSuite, vous présente la solution
If you’re a services organization that has struggled to get the insight into the data you need, OpenAir is worth your investment.
- Timesheet Management
- Expense Management
- Collaboration
- Dashboards and Reporting
- Integrate with Enterprise Systems
Front-office system integration creates a seamless flow of information from sales to quote to services execution via prebuilt integration with CRM and SFA systems.
Back-office system integration helps continue the flow of information straight through to the back-office via prebuilt integration with common accounting and ERP applications.

A Better Way to Manage Projects and Resources
Why NetSuite OpenAir?
NetSuite OpenAir is proven to quickly drive tangible results—increasing resource utilization, project margins and on time project delivery while driving down IT costs, decreasing project accounting and overhead and expediting billing cycles. NetSuite OpenAir helps improve invoicing accuracy, streamline revenue recognition and increase visibility into your services organization.
NetSuite OpenAir also empowers the mobile services organization with anytime, anywhere access in the cloud, supporting users where they work—on the go, at client sites or remotely. Running a global services business? NetSuite OpenAir provides real-time access for organizations with global services pools and multi-currency, multi-subsidiary, multitaxation and multi-language requirements. With NetSuite OpenAir, you can find the right resource for each and every project, regardless of their physical location, and easily bill their time in the project currency while accounting for the hours in the resource’s local currency—all from a single system.

Key Benefits
Optimize Resource Management.
Drag-and-drop resource management allows managers to quickly assign the right resource with the best costs to deliver projects on time and improve margins.
Project Financial Management.
Connect project activities with company financials to ensure accurate accounting and billing throughout the project lifecycle.
Track Skills and Availability.
Increase resource utilization and manage and deploy resources to projects based on employee’s skills, interests, experience and availability.
Deliver Projects on Time and Within Budget.
Project managers and team members can collaborate on projects and maintain current and accurate project status at all times, allowing managers to proactively identify and resolve potential threats and gain accurate insights into expenses.
Real-Time, Shared Visibility into All Resources.
Increase utilization and reduce reliance on subcontractors by easily identifying and assigning consultants who are on the bench or on another team.
Revenue Recognition.
Recognize revenue separate from project billing to support exactly how your organization measures profitability and ensure compliance with financial standards.
NetSuite convient à toutes les entreprises, quelle que soit leur taille
Entreprises à forte croissance, de taille intermédiaire et grandes entreprises.
Entreprise à forte croissance
Libérez le potentiel de croissance de votre entreprise grâce à une solution agile, à la fois rentable et rapidement évolutive, qui vous prépare aux défis de l’innovation et de la croissance à long terme.
Entreprise de taille intermédiaire
NetSuite pour les ETI permet de vous implanter plus vite sur de nouveaux marchés, d’élargir rapidement votre offre et d’interagir avec vos clients sur de nouveaux canaux. Conduisez votre entreprise là où elle mérite d’aller.
Grande entreprise
NetSuite a ouvert tout un monde de possibilités pour les entreprises internationales. Dans tous les secteurs d’activité, pour tous les types d’entreprises (B2B, B2C ou B2X) et partout dans le monde, nous aidons votre équipe à rester agile et flexible.